Meet Our Church Leaders

Thank you for giving our church the opportunity to share with you our mission and a little bit about us. Our mission is to see the love of Jesus spread, starting in our local neighborhoods and communities, then throughout the world. The love of Christ is on full display in each service at Englewood Baptist Church. Our mission statement is two-fold: we love God, and we love people. It is through my experiences that the only way to reach an individual is through his or her heart, and it is only the love of God that brings salvation. Forgiveness, grace, and mercy are all available only because of the love of God. Englewood is a church where Jesus Christ crucified is still believed and preached weekly, and we still hold fast to the blood of Jesus Christ. His blood is still the only way to have sins forgiven. Our services are exciting and spirit-filled. We would love to have you come by and have the opportunity to experience Christ’s love.
Pastor Randy Beard
Associate Pastor

Adam Homan